

Exploring disciplemaking principles from the life of Jesus and how they're being applied through:

Inspiring leaders to pursue disciplemaking movements

Turn your vision for disciplemaking into a practical reality by joining us on the Mornington Peninsula for the 2025 Disciplemaking Churches Conference.

Explore simple frameworks based on principles from the life of Jesus that you can use in your context. Discover how these frameworks are being implemented at New Peninsula Baptist Church and Sydenham Baptist. Cultivate new connections with leaders from across the Body of Christ, be inspired, and share your experience with peers.

People at Multiply Conference

Purpose of Multiply

Pastors and ministry leaders didn’t go into ministry to manage programmes or preside over business and pastoral demands. Yet most find themselves feeling they are somehow running a merry-go-round, a very good one, that is far from disciplemaking, deep transformation and multiplying the church. Multiply is a gathering of pastors and leaders who are committed to making the shift from just doing better and busier ministry to growing a movement of disciplemaking with Kingdom impact.

The purpose of Multiply is to promote disciplemaking movements that connect people to Jesus, train them for fruitful personal ministry, and send them to help fulfil the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Hosted by Door of Hope Christian Church in Launceston, this two day event will explore core frameworks drawn from the life of Jesus that leaders can use to create an environment for disciplemaking in their sphere of influence.

Who is Multiply for?

If you are a denominational leader, pastor, lay leader, or involved in disciplemaking, Multiply is for you! The content will be designed for leaders, for people who are seeking to shape their ministry into a disciplemaking movement. Multiply will be ideal for leadership teams to work on their disciplemaking pathway together.

Why attend Multiply?

  • Multiply is a learning forum of peers who share that passion. Rather than a conference, it is a field visit to see one example of a “working farm” learning from other practitioners to explore key principles and practical applications are as they grow a disciplemaking environment.
  • Multiply is highly personal and relational, maximising peer learning, peer connections and practical insights.
  • Multiply is focussed on core frameworks and principles from the movement building model of Jesus rather than a specific program or packaged solution. It stimulates essential leadership questions bringing clarity, focus and guidance in designing and developing the program solutions and strategies best suited for your own specific mission context.
  • Multiply offers the opportunity to make deep connections with like-minded leaders passionate about making the shift from ministry to movements and looking for support and encouragement on that challenging journey.
  • Multiply is not about the speakers or even the workshop discussion – which could be done on Zoom. The uniqueness is the opportunity to be on site, face-to-face with local practitioners with opportunities to engage in unstructured conversations as we gather together to learn from each other. This is not so much a conference as it is a community of practice and peer learning.

What will happen at Multiply?

We will take disciplemaking frameworks beyond theory and explore how they have been applied in church communities. You will have the opportunity to interact with local leaders and see firsthand how these disciplemaking principles modelled by Jesus are used in practice. There will be time in the schedule to think through your own ministry context and begin working on your own disciplemaking pathway. There will be breakout options for leaders involved in leadership at a spiritual oversight or operational level, and options for those who have a generational focus (kids, families, youth, young adults).

What will I get out of Multiply?

Our prayer is that Multiply will inspire you to pursue disciplemaking in your ministry, provide you with some practical tools, and that you will leave with practical next steps. Multiply will be a wonderful opportunity to be motivated by others who are seeking to connect people to Jesus and equip them to be disciplemakers.


Tuesday 17th June
  • Registration
  • Introduction and Worship
  • Opening – Acts and our Disciplemaking Mission
  • Table Discussions
  • Session 1 – Why a disciplemaking framework matters?
  • Session 2 – Core Frameworks (Introduction or Revision) 
  • Interactive – Breakout groups by department focus
  • Session 3 – Ministry Foundations (Part 1)
  • Table Discussions
  • Relational Connection Time (visiting local attractions)
  • DINNER (Inspiration for our disciplemaking journey)
Wednesday 18th June
  • Welcome and Worship
  • Session 4 – Personal Leadership
  • Application – Breakouts on Personal Leadership
  • Teaching Electives
  • Session 5 – Disciplemaking Primary Pathway
  • Session 6 – Ministry Foundations (Part 2)
  • Panel – Multiplying Initiatives
  • Session 6 – A Vision for Disciplemaking Movements
  • Sharing Action Plans
  • Close


Steve Roggero

Steve Roggero

Sydenham Baptist Church

Steve Roggero is a prominent Baptist pastor in Australia, currently serving as the Senior Pastor at Sydenham Baptist Church in Melbourne. In addition to his pastoral duties, he holds the position of National Director at Catalyse Change, an organisation dedicated to training and consulting church and mission leaders in areas such as discipleship, mission, and leadership. Throughout his ministry, Steve has been committed to fostering discipleship and encouraging congregations to engage deeply with their faith.

Dorothy Roberts

Dorothy Roberts

Door of Hope

With a background in education as an Early Childhood teacher and a school leader, Dorothy Roberts has led a pastoral team that oversee ministry to families from birth to 30 years at Door Of Hope Christian Church since 2010. Recently ordained as a Minister for Churches of Christ, she has a passion to see an expanding Generation community who are actively following Jesus; loving others; giving glory to God. An enthusiastic lifelong learner: Dorothy is energised by the challenges of ministering in this current context. She has been married to Troy for over 30 years and they are proud parents to adult sons, James and Alec. She loves Jesus, her family, a cheese platter, and is developing her green thumb now Troy has finished building their veggie patch.

Paul Crothers

Paul Crothers

New Peninsula Baptist Church

Paul Crothers serves as the Senior Pastor at New Peninsula Baptist Church, our host church for Multiply 2025.

Tim Freyer

Tim Freyer

Power to Change

Tim Freyer is a follower of Jesus. He has bachelor degrees in theoretical mathematics and statistics and did post-grad work in statistics. What that means is that despite having a deep passion for disciple-making movements he is not even a little bit gifted as an evangelist. (He’s always on the lookout for tools that make connecting with others easier!) Tim and his wife worked for 15 years in the Middle East amongst those living in poverty and for the last 10 years, they have lived in Melbourne and been involved with Power to Change in helping local churches and church plants establish a disciplemaking pathway that takes the church out into the community. In his free time, Tim enjoys watching a sunset with a chai latte in hand.

Andrew Hodgson

Andy Hodgson


Andy developed, and launched The Emerging Leaders Program with a desire to equip and resource the local church to develop the disciple-making leaders in their context for today and the future. His heart is to see leaders of all generations, equipped, trained and launched as disciple-making movement leaders into all networks and communities across the country. He has been an active trainer in SHIFTm2M for almost 10 years, training over 60 participants throughout this time, while also having experience in church ministry and as a high school teacher. Andy is married to Rachel, and together they have four daughters. He is a sports lover, a coffee drinker and loves living life within the local community.

Bill Hodgson

Bill Hodgson

Power to Change

Bill has ministered with Power to Change (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) Cru for 43 years having spent 20 years in training youth ministry leaders then 15 years as National Director of the organisation with 170 missionary staff. Since 2014 Bill has been working as part of the Global Leadership team of the Church Movements strategy supporting and equipping pastors and church planters in building disciplemaking movements and multiplication of disciples, groups, and churches. Currently he is Regional Leader for North America and Oceania for Cru Global. He is married for 43 years with four married children and 13 grandchildren.

Peter Roennfeldt

Peter Roennfeldt


Dr. Peter Roennfeldt has dedicated over five decades to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, serving as a pastor, evangelist, seminary teacher, church planter, and author. His extensive ministry has taken him across various cultures and countries, where he has led training programs focused on discipleship and church planting. He has authored several influential books, including "Following Jesus," "Following the Spirit," and "Following the Apostles' Vision," which explore disciplemaking and church-planting principles derived from the New Testament. His work emphasises the importance of following Jesus' model in mission and ministry, encouraging believers to engage in incarnational and relational outreach.

Aaron Daniell

Aaron Daniel

Ambassadors for Christ International - Australia

Aaron is married to Shelly and they have three children. Together they love interacting with people from all cultures, sharing life with others and enjoy the great outdoors. Aaron serves full time with Ambassadors for Christ International - Australia (AFCI) as National Director and National EvangelismSHIFT Coordinator. He was born and raised in Australia and became a Christian as a young adult. After graduating from University, Aaron worked in both government and private sectors whilst serving in ministry since knowing Jesus personally. He has served on the leadership team of his local church since 2006, and in 2014 he began working full time with AFCI. Aaron is is committed to equipping and empowering believers to live and share the good news of Jesus Christ to the world around them. He is also responsible for the growth of EvangelismSHIFT nationally and passionately helps churches on their journey to transforming their culture towards multiplying disciplemakers.

John North

John North

Ambassadors for Christ International

John North was born in India to Australian missionaries and loves to teach God’s word in a penetrating way that changes people’s lives. He is the Director of EvangelismSHIFT International and the National Director of Ambassadors for Christ International (AFCI) in Australia. For 30 years he has helped AFCI to build a team focused on accelerating the spread of the gospel through local churches. John wrote GrowthWorks, a book to help you get back on the path of spiritual growth. He is on Hope 103.2 radio each morning in Sydney with the Time With God devotional spot. John is married to Lois and they have four children. In his free time, John rides his mountain bike, plays games with his family, and reads.

Event Details


8:30am to 5pm on Tue 17th June
8:30am to 4:30pm on Wed 18th June


New Peninsula Baptist Church
370 Craigie Rd
Mount Martha, Victora


General Admission
Day Pass

Dinner - Learning Together

This event includes Dinner and Discussion on Tuesday at the venue.

Rego Deadline

Registrations close on
Friday 6th June 2025


Multiply is brought to you by Concentric Australia, an alliance that seeks to mobilise Jesus-centric leaders in Australia and throughout the world who multiply movements of new disciplemakers, leaders, and healthy churches. Concentric members around the world use a common disciplemaking framework based on the life of Jesus that forms the foundation for SHIFTm2M (ministries to Movements) Training.

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