The gospel is expressed in many rich and diverse ways in contemporary Australia. Students share it on campus or in their school. Local churches preach it. And everyday Christians live it. These expressions are often so mundane that they slip by unnoticed. Or they are limited to mission reports. But the gospel is too profound to be limited to the facts. Its depth can only be appreciated in the way that God shared it – in story.
It was this conviction that prompted Power to Change Australia to hold a Short Story competition in 2022. The conditions were simple. The story had to be about mission in contemporary Australia, in line with our mission philosophy, and include the theme ‘power to change’. Not too hard, right? After all, the gospel is the power to change.
We anticipated and were pleased to receive a rich diversity of stories from locations all across Australia and from budding authors young and old. It was a hard job selecting the winner but it is our pleasure to publish these ten stories with the hope that they might inspire you to consider how God’s transforming message of the gospel can be more fully expressed where you live.