Student MPD

Student Ministry Partner Development

Do you want to go to a Mid-Year Conference (MYC) or summer project but cannot make the financial commitment? Are finances getting in the way of you developing your faith?

Every year, finances are a barrier for some students, even committed Key Volunteers. Finding the money to make it to our most important training conferences can often be difficult. But, it does not have to be.

This is possible, with Student MPD. For a student going on a Summer Project, instead of just raising $1500, they raise perhaps $2500. They could have all of their training expenses paid for the following year – before O-week even begins!

Discovering Ministry Partners

If the average ministry partner gives somewhere between $20 and $50, you will need to find 50 to 125 people to partner with you financially. This may seem really huge, yet this is where your team can help you.

First, you make a list of everyone you know. Your list may include people in your city, at church, people who have been involved with Power to Change, and family. It could include people all over Australia and internationally.

Next, start sending out letters or set up a meeting over coffee. Share the vision that God has given you for serving him. Some people really resonate with the vision and decide immediately to join your team. Others are less certain, or they are not in a position to give financially. Keep initiating with people until you find the people who are ready. Enjoy the time as you share your heart with your community.

Developing a team of ministry partners can take several months. While all of us are overjoyed when we reach our goal, Ministry Partner Development is a tremendous time. Lessons are often learnt about yourself, others and especially God.

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