The Knowing God Personally booklet explains all a person needs to know to begin a new life in Christ. A brief review of these will help us as we look at some principles of growing in your relationship with Christ:
God loves you and created you to have a personal relationship with Him.
We are sinful and guilty before God, who is perfect and just.
Sin has separated us from God and the relationship between God and us is broken.
Jesus Christ is God’s only solution for our sin. Through Him you can have a personal relationship with God.
We must each respond to Jesus Christ by placing our trust in Him as our Saviour and Lord. Then we can know God personally
Remember: Your relationship with God is secure, through Christ, you are forgiven and accepted by God.
In addition to providing this secure relationship, God also desires for you to walk closely with Him and communicate with Him each day. This is called fellowship.
Father-child example: Your relationship with your earthly father is permanent. No matter what you do, you will always be his child. But, suppose you rebelled against your father and angrily left home in spite of his efforts to reconcile your grievances.
Remember: In order to experience God’s love and forgiveness you must confess your sin as you become aware of it, and turn again to your heavenly Father.
An amazing transformation has begun to take place since you received Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
You are now beginning to live the Christian life, which isn’t a standard of performance or a code of ethics, but a vital relationship with a loving God.
Remember: The Holy Spirit can empower you to live a Christ-directed life. As you continue to breathe spiritually (exhale – confess your sins; inhale – yield control to Christ), you will experience a deepening fellowship with God enabling you to grow in Christian maturity.
As you grow in your new relationship with God, He will reveal His character and His will. The Holy Spirit enables us to live a life which reflects both.
A father will tell his child not to touch a hot stove top. He does so not because he wants to squash his child’s curiosity or take away her fun. Rather, he gives the prohibition because he knows that the stove will burn his child. His motivation is to protect his child from harm as well as provide safety. Just as this is true with earthly fathers, so it is true in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. God’s guidelines for relationships are an expression of his love.