Playgroups are an important part of a churches’ ministry to enable church families to connect and grow together and as an outreach by sharing God’s love to families in the local community. This enables churches to stay connected with community and to grow with the next generation.
At Jules’ church, the playgroup ministry was in decline and after COVID only one or two families were coming regularly to the two weekly sessions. The playgroup team wanted to revitalise the ministry and use it as an outreach ministry – showing God’s love to local families.
The team attended the MyFriends training and learnt to intentionally look for ways to love, pray and care for all their families from the moment they showed interest in coming to playgroup.
This caring heart and welcoming nature changed the culture of playgroup. They also had a child focused space with lots of activities at the church’s first Christmas Makers Market.
Fast Forward six months – all the playgroup spots are full and have a waiting list! At the last “All In” Creative Family service over 50 children attended.