All of Scripture is telling one story. It’s a story about Jesus and our need for Him. The great story is comprised of many little stories found throughout the Old and New Testament narratives, and it is reinforced in the law, poetry, prophecy, and epistles. Every passage in some way draws our attention to our fallenness and Christ’s solution to our fallenness.
St. Augustine said, “The New Testament lies hidden in the Old Testament and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New Testament.” In the One Story Guidebook you’ll learn how to study various genres of Scripture “Christocentrically.” A genre is a category of composition that has its own style or form and therefore its own rules of interpretation.
Over twenty-six weeks you’ll work through twenty-six selected passages organised by these genres. You’ll study five or six passages in a given compositional style so you can master that skill before moving on to learn a different part of the Bible. At the start of each new section, you’ll find tips on how to best study and understand that particular genre. In the workbook there’s plenty of room to mark up the texts, write notes, answer questions, and do all your self-study within the pages of the Guide.