“I was feeling frustrated…and I lost my new Bible!”

Power to Change Sam

This is the story of two weeks, two students, one domestic tourist, a non-Christian dad, flat ear pods…and three new Christians on campus in Brisbane!

“When we opened our eyes…God opened Sam’s!” Andrew, the leader of the international student ministry at QUT, met with new missionary Josh to share the gospel on campus, he was burdened. As it got closer to exams, there were fewer students around. So they prayed that God would lead them to someone whom the Holy Spirit had already prepared. 

They opened their eyes, stood up and initiated with a student who was walking towards them. They discovered that Sam had been hurt by his experience of church in his home country. But, as they talked, it was evident that he did not understand the Gospel. As they shared how Sam could come into a relationship with Jesus, his eyes were opened and Sam invited Jesus into his heart. Sam has continued to meet with Andrew & Josh to learn more about his new relationship with God!

The week before meeting Sam, Josh was feeling frustrated while he waited for the student gathering to start that night. So he walked onto the bridge adjoining the campus, found a private spot to sit and read the new Bible that he and one the students, Tim, had been given at church that week. But very soon, his solitude was disrupted by a man who came and sat next to him on the bench. Despite how he was feeling, Josh started a conversation and discovered that Paul was visiting Brisbane for the day due to some cheap flights and only sat down to charge his flat ear pods. As they talked, Paul share that he believed there was a God and that he felt blessed. Josh shared the gospel with Paul and he asked many questions. Finally, Josh asked if he would like to respond to the Good News of Jesus…and he said “Yes”!

After he prayed to receive Christ, Paul said he felt a weight lifted off and he felt so joyful. Paul then rang his wife in Sydney to tell her the news, Josh decided to give him his Bible, and off he went to catch his flight home. That night, when Josh turned up at the meeting without his new Bible, Josh got a real buzz from telling Tim the story of how he lost it!

The day before Sam became a Christian (the first story), Susan, a missionary at UQ, was meeting with Tulip on the lawn to continue their Christianity Explained course. Nearly 12 months ago, Susan had led Tulip’s flatmate Rose to Christ during our on-line Mid-Year conference. Rose had invited Tulip to church at Christmas and this had sparked an interest in exploring Jesus.

At the start of this year, Susan met Tulip on campus. After a lively discussion, Susan apologised that she needed to go and meet another new student…but invited Tulip to join her if she wished. Tulip agreed and as they got into conversation with another international student who didn’t know Jesus, this student asked Tulip if she was a Christian. “No, I’m just exploring Jesus, and you should too!” she enthused. After many weeks of looking into the Bible, she was close to accepting Jesus. Finally, Tulip talked to her dad at home and he encouraged her to take the step, even though he is not a believer. So that day on the lawn at UQ, Tulip finally said yes to Jesus!!

Two weeks, two students, one domestic tourist, a non-Christian dad, flat ear pods, missionaries initiating about the Gospel…God used all of this to usher three new people into his Kingdom!!

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