God’s story unfolding: 25 years and still growing

Power to Change - 25 Years and Growing

Guts… Family… Foundations… Christ-centred Leadership… These are just a few words that described not only the conversations, but the changed lives of those who were involved with Power to Change (formerly Student Life) at Wollongong University 25 years ago. 

Often it’s in the moments of looking back and reflecting on where you’ve been that you realise how far you’ve come. One is able to see the defining moments that have helped to shape thier lives. Those who recently gathered for a 25 year reunion were able to do just that as they not only reminesced together, but also celebrated all that God is doing in their lives. Here are few of those reflections.

They laid the foundation for me and I’m still relying on them.

It brings back memories being here. Student Life laid the foundation of my Christian faith. I was a Christian when I came over from Adelaide to do my PhD

This talk from Mike just reminded me of so many of his inspirational talks 21 and a half years ago. Now I’m working as a scientist with a full time job, and 4 kids—also a full time job!

The challenge in life is time, I feel like I’m always reactive, no time to think and plan ahead. There’s always something happening.

Quiet times, which were 30 mins are now 30 sec! But discipleship group, action group, being disciple by Phil—they laid the foundations for me now and I’m still relying on them.

~ David

Mike taught me what Christ-centred leadership is all about.

Mike has had an incredibly significant impact on my life—he discipled me and helped me in my walk with God. He would often ask me how I was going with my Quiet Times. And I would share my struggles and my victories in that area.

A few years later, when Mike left Wollongong in 89 and I was asked to come down and be the staff person there. It was just Iftikar, and me who was raising support and then joined the team. A year later Mike unexpectedly came back to Wollongong.

And Mike was asked to serve on Peter’s team, which he did willingly. Well, this was really challenging for me!

I remember the first day of campus, and I met with Mike. We met in the cafeteria. I’m sitting there with the guy who has discipled me, and now he reports to me. Do you know what is the first thing he said to me? “Peter, I wonder if you could help me with my Quiet Time.”

Mike deliberately chose to do this to demonstrate that this is what leadership is about. It’s not about someone who knows everything—it’s about walking side-by-side helping each of us to walk closely with God.

Right away Mike taught me what Christian leadership is all about. It was 27 years ago, and I’ve never forgotten this lesson about what Christ-centred leadership is all about. Thanks Mike!

~ Peter

I still use those circles today!!

Just a small sliver—there is so much of Student Life that has affected all of my life. I’m a youth worker with an Anglican church.

I just distinctly remember Mel sitting me down and working through the Holy Spirit booklet. And the simple little pictures just explained the concepts so clearly. And still today, I use those circles and explain how to walk in the Spirit along with the train illustration of Fact-Faith-Felling!! 

~ Michelle

Each story is a beautiful picture of God’s story continuously unfolding.

In what ways are you growing your spiritual foundations, and how might you help others to grow?

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