At another campus, Peter had a Key Volunteer (KV) who primarily liked leading a fellowship group. As a result, the group became inward focused and closed as they gathered only for Bible studies and support. To make matters worse, along came Long Strong John (not his real name), a strong personality who was long on Bible studies. It was too easy for him to take the group even further down that path. Peter ended up having to give his KV a “we’re going to have to let you go” speech, even though there was no one else to take her place. Neither of them was thrilled about this, but Peter knew it was for the best. And this scenario has also repeated itself many times. This campus went on to be “saved” by an American STINT team who started almost from scratch. Only two of the original group stuck around. They ended up becoming leaders because they demonstrated a heart for evangelism. Starting your group with honey means they won’t adapt to the invigorating taste of lemon. But cut your group’s teeth on lemons, and the honey they lick together later, will be all the sweeter.
By Heather Fletcher, on advice from Cameron Fletcher and Scott Adamson