Gathering my friends around Jesus

These videos will help you see where God is at work in your everyday life and give you simple practices for joining His Spirit to invite your friends to gather around Jesus together.
Each video builds on the next as you put the three steps into practice. As you go, remember:

"You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for in my name."

Find a coach!

Have you gathered two or more people to form a Bible Discovery group? If so, use this form to learn more about joining a coaching community that can help you develop in leading like Jesus!

Who Is MyFriends For?

If you’re a pastor or Christian leader who is looking for a way for your people to become disciplemakers with their friends, family, and colleagues, then MyFriends for you!
If you’re a new Christian or have been following Jesus for a long time and would like to help your friends become disciples of Jesus committed to making disciples, MyFriends is for you!
The goal of MyFriends is to form multiplying groups of Christians who are studying God’s Word together and seeking to follow Jesus. If you’re looking for a way to equip people in your group to share Jesus with their friends and family, then MyFriends is for you!

MyFriends Training

Although the principles of the MyFriends Lifestyle are simple, it takes time for these to become natural habits. For this reason we slow the training down so it takes three to five months to complete.

All the groups participating in your Learning Community Gather online with other small groups each month to learn the MyFriends Lifestyle. In the weeks between each Learning Community, you meet with your group to Grow, Coach, and GGo. Each group nominates a person from their group to be a coach throughout the MyFriends journey. The coaches meet together for a Coaching Circle between the Gather and Grow weeks.

It is easier to develop a MyFriends Lifestyle if you have three to five friends who are going through the training with you. This will allow you to form a local MyFriends peer coaching group where you can help one another live this lifestyle during and after the formal training rounds.

You will have the opportunity to interact with other participants through instant messaging – to share prayer and praise points, ask questions, and encourage one another.

My Friends Training Schedule

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