Catalytic: A Pioneering Spirit

Power to Change - Big Group

Australia has 1.4 million students attending 43 accredited Universities. It is a huge mission field that represents enormous possibilities. Power to Change is present in 29 Universities. Unfortunately, we can only provide fulltime missionaries in half of these.

Catalytic is part of the Power to Change campus strategy created to overcome the shortage of workers by doing the work of connecting people to Jesus by extension. Their methods are identical to those used by the Apostles in the New Testament.

  1. A small team visit a location for intensive outreach
  2. Leaders are identified and recruited
  3. The catalytic team provide support and training from a distance

Eventually, a full-time missionary is identified who can take over managing the movement
For example, catalytic pioneered an outreach in Perth. It holds the world record for the greatest distance a team has travelled – 4,100 kilometres. In 2016 a full-time ministry team was launched in Perth, working in three universities. Now in 2018, the team is reaching five universities.

Catalytic is currently working with students on 15 universities and actively seeking students with leadership potential on a further 11 universities. The ministry represents a huge step of faith and is only limited by the number of people willing to serve on the front line of connecting people to Jesus.

The Internet has made it much easier for people to stay connected. With this in mind a series of training videos, featuring Cam Fletcher, is available on the Power to Change website.
The recordings have their origins in a series of studies first used to train churches in connecting people to Jesus. The next logical step was to make them available over the Internet.

They fall into 3 categories.

Connecting People to Jesus                     25 recordings
“How to…”                                                 15 recordings
Spirit filled life                                            1 recording

The training series has been used here and overseas and continues to grow in popularity. The format fits easily into a small group bible-study.

By Geoffrey Johnstone

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