A Time of Expectation and Trust

Power to Change Students

As with most things in life, timing is important. 

According to research by McCrindle, more 10-24 year olds make decisions to follow Jesus than any other age group. That is why Power to Change has sought to focus on reaching the emerging generation. At the time when someone is more likely to think about life and make decisions that would significantly shape the rest of their lives, we want to be there to share the Gospel in a way that is compelling and easy to understand. 

For a good example of a simple but captivating video that communicates the Gospel in a contemporary way, visit the home page of our website (www.powertochange.org.au). There is also a new follow-up material called First Steps -a resource developed to follow up new believers in their teens to young adulthood (click on ‘Resources’). First Steps is free to download and we hope that it will help you to continue to engage with the people around you. 

The first quarter of the year is arguably the most important time of the year to reach out to others. Many changes take place at this time: school begins, older children move into high school, others are entering university, or they are starting their first jobs.  People are open to forming new relationships and entering new friendships at this time of change.  They are more open to engage about Jesus, but this is also the time when some people may drift further from Jesus as they check out alternatives. 

Recognising the importance of this window of time, all hands are on deck across our different teams.  This is the time for harvest. I grew up on a farm and harvest time was always a crucial time.  Dad never went on holidays then and the machinery was prepared so that they would be ready to go.  It was a time for promptness and action, not a time to stop and ponder – otherwise the harvest would be missed. 

Yet we work with urgency and not panic – knowing that it is not about our hard work paying off, but that our Almighty God brings the harvest.  Thus it is also a time of expectation and trust.  He has done it before.  Last year, we saw 2339 people pray to receive Christ amidst the Gospel being presented 8001 times.  All praise goes to Him. 

We hope that you will join us as we look with expectant hearts to see what the Lord of the harvest will do this year.  Thank you for your being a part of this harvest through your prayers, finances and in every single way you have helped in this preparation.  

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